Do You Have Aches And Pains That Limit Activities Or Movement?
Have You Tried Massage, Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Or Even Surgery Without Relief?
Have You Ever Said, “I’ve Tried Everything”?
I’ve made it my life’s purpose to help people who are suffering with aches, pains and other issues. There are solutions and answers out there for every problem. Manual therapy, simple isometric home exercises and positions of relief have provided solutions where most of my customers thought they had tried everything. In most cases, you will see and feel a difference in minutes.
- Feel Better
- Immediate Strength Gains
- Improved Flexibility without stretching
- Increased Stability
- Eliminate Weakness
- Find the root Cause
- Simple Home Exercises
- Improve Performance
- Speed up recovery
- 26 years of corrective exercise in manual techniques
If you are looking for a new solution to your pain and mobility issues, then you’ve come to the right place. We add our technical experience to what your body shows us to come up with the best technique(s) to help you regain pain free motion.
What you can expect from our treatment:
- Immediate results
- Increased stability, strength, and flexibility
- Reduced pain and inflammation
- Faster recovery
- Reduction in compensation patterns
- Improved athletic performance

Injury Solutions is a combination of multiple techniques which work to find the real cause and the weakest link. Weak muscles tell us where the problem is, and we use a simple manual technique along with isometric exercises in these weak areas to increase strength, stability and flexibility.